Você já veio ao mundo causando. No dia 08/11/2010 às 20h40 a mamãe foi internada na maternidade, mas a mocinha só foi dar o ar da graça dia 09/11/2010 às 14h34. E que graça, valeu a pena cada minuto das 18 horas e 36 minutos. Quando te vi, tão pequininha, tão linda, tão tão… chorei!
Te olhava e te olhava… e não caia a ficha que você estava ali, do meu ladinho depois de 38 semanas esperando! Tudo era novo. Lembro até hoje a dificuldade que tive para colocar esse macacão em você na maternidade, demorei mais de 30 minutos (sem exageros). Mas valeu a pena, né? Linda, minha princesa.

 Nos deixou várias noites em claro, chorou muito, deu trabalho para mamar, teve intolerância a lactose, muitos gases, fez a mamãe chorar perdida sem saber o que fazer… Mas era papai te colocar nessa posição e fazer o “bicicletinha” que você acalmava (e deixava mamãe enciumada).

Dar banho em você sempre foi meu maior medo. Entrava em pânico só de pensar, repassava os passos na cabeça e achava tudo muito impossível. Quando a enfermeira mostrou como fazia na maternidade surtei, tive a certeza que não conseguiria. Em casa, do nosso jeitinho (meu e do papai), você tomou seu primeiro banho e adorou, alias adora até hoje. Depois fui tirando de letra os banhos diários ( e tinha outra opção?! rs)
Lembra das noites em claro e choradeira que falei lá em cima? Foram apagadas da memória nesse primeiro sorriso. Filha, até hoje quando olho essa foto me da aquela sensação gostosa de que vou chorar de felicidade, sabe?! (as vezes brincava que você estava rindo da minha cara de panda, cabelo de maluca e roupas desleixadas, era nosso segredo. Mamãe é fofoqueira. )
Olha como você dormia a tarde, largadinha no sófa. E você não caia, não rolava, não escalava, não tentava se jogar… Faz tempo? 10 meses atrás.

A primeira bolacha maizena a gente não esquece. No auge da desorganização de uma mãe de primeira viagem acabou a fruta em casa. E com 6 meses você se lambuzou ( será que sua pediatra lê o blog?). Estranhou, babou muito, comeu pouco. Hoje você já come outras variações como passatempo sem recheio e as vezes (bem as vezes waffer) e não desperdiça nem um pedacinho.
Ah essa foto pipocou no e-mail de todos amigos da mamãe e do papai.
 Depois de pegar prática na troca de roupa (foram 7 meses até aqui), mamãe arriscou looks ousados,rs! Vontade de apertar essas buchechas gostosas. Esse foi seu primeiro inverno no interior, curtindo uma lareira.

Nada como depois da primeira mamada do dia ficar de preguiça na cama da mamãe. A gente faz isso até hoje, de final de semana então a gente se esbalda…

Você cresceu rápido, a cada dia aprende alguma coisa nova e me surpreende. De pouquinho em pouquinho você vai conquistando sua liberdade.

Muitas velinhas foram apagadas até hoje, mamãe não queria deixar nenhum mês passar em branco. Cada um foi uma vitória e uma conquista para nos duas. A partir do 10 mês mamãe até liberou um pedaço do bolo para você!

 Olha você aí 10 meses depois aprontando no sofá. Nem de longe lembra aquela bebê quietinha, deitada e dormindo… Dormir hoje em dia só no seu berço, e olhe lá, por que você já se esforça para sair dele a todo custo.

Continua causando até hoje, quer que quer comer sozinha, faz uma mega sujeira, mas fica toda feliz minha mocinha…rs A mamãe agora lava roupa na máquina de lavar, pode se sujar a vontade!!!
Dentes. Um capitulo a parte nesses 12 meses, você sofreu, teve assadura forte, ficou irritada… Mas hoje esta com 6 dentes, toda linda!

Em toda sua vidinha foi ao PS 3 vezes. Ainda bem nenhuma delas nada grave, só garantia mesmo! Na última (essa da foto, tirada na lanchonete) mamãe chorou tanto quanto você. Filha de mamãe que é, você também não gosta de tirar sangue, e levou o hospital abaixo. Mas mamãe te defendeu e a enfermeira má parou…rs!!

Você aprendeu a pedir. Tudo é “que” e quando quer muito é “quequeque”. Esse DVD aí esta entre os tops 3 aqui de casa. Aprendeu a dançar com a música baratinha, e a mamãe decorou ela de trás para frente (inclusive criamos dancinhas para ela, mico de mãe).

 Ganhou sua primeira motoca, no começo estranhou, analisou, mas 2 dias depois já estava a todo vapor. Só não aprendeu a andar de frente ainda, mas a ré vai que é uma beleza, e se alguma parede resolve entrar na sua frente… Tadinha! Leva bronca e cara feia…rs

 O primeiro machucado a gente nunca esquece, né?! Esse aí foi o seu, um raspão no braço. Até hoje é mistério como você fez isso, mas a suposições que foi na caixa da motoca…rs
Filha poderia ficar aqui dias e dias descrevendo cada conquista sua, cada descoberta, cada momento nos minímos detalhes… Muitas coisas ainda estão por vir, e temos muito que aprender juntas.Com você virei criança de novo e nesses 365 dias você me ensinou muito. Se um dia reclamei de coisas que me aconteceram, hoje não mudaria uma vírgula, por que não posso nem pensar em como seria tudo sem você.

Você é assim pequenininha, tão pequininha, mas significa tudo na minha vida! Falar eu te amo parece tão pouco perto do que sinto por você, perto do que você representa para mim. Mas TE AMO assim Ohhhhhh do tamanho do mundo, do tamanho do infinito…!
Filha parabéns pelos seus 12 meses de vida, hoje você completa 1 ano e juntas estamos construindo essa relação maravilhosa de mãe e filha. Seja feliz sempre, brinque muito, seja criança o máximo de tempo que puder, aproveite. Se divirta! A mamãe sempre estará do seu lado, em qualquer momento para qualquer situação. Cuidando, zelando, acompanhando e aprendendo!
Muitos beijos nessa buchecha gostosa!!!
Mamãe Karina!

770 comentários em “1 ANO

  1. Parabéns para a Duda!!!!!
    O post ficou liiindo! Nossa, me emocionei… tão bom acompanhar o crescimento das pequenas!
    Ahh, e parabéns para vc, afinal já faz 1 ano que é oficialmente mamãe!!!!

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  204. A few months autobiographical essays The European Commission has 25 working days after a deal is filed for a first-stage review. It may extend that by 10 workingdays to 35 working days, to consider either a company’s proposedremedies or an EU member state’s request to handle the case.

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  208. I’m on work experience writing a webservice in php When he announced his candidacy for mayor, he asked voters to give him a second chance, and he quickly moved to the top of polls. But campaign issues like police tactics and housing were overshadowed by another scandal involving lewd photographs he sent online, and his campaign collapsed.

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  213. this post is fantastic essays of eb white The suspicions that Khodorkovsky might face new charges stemfrom the flight from Russia this year of a liberal economist whocame under pressure from investigators over a report heco-authored that was critical of Khodorkovsky’s 2010 conviction.

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  245. Incorrect PIN i will pay for essay writing The “Jersey Shore” may have ended, but it hasn’t stopped Deena Cortese from spending her summer in a bikini. The former MTV star flaunted her newly toned beach body on Twitter, posting photos of herself soaking up the sun in a skimpy yellow two-piece on June 25, 2013. “Cheese ! Summer lovin,” the 26-year-old reality star captioned one of the shots.

  246. Accountant supermarket manager essay on methamphetamine Brahmi belonged to the secular, Arab nationalist Popular Front party, whose then-leader, Chokri Belaid, was killed in a similar way on February 6. His death ignited the worst violence in Tunisia since President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali fell in 2011.

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  248. How much does the job pay? how to do my essay As of this writing, more than 1,000 backers have pledged upwards of $60,000 in a few short hours, so it seems like a lock to reach that initial goal. Less clear is the fate of higher stretch goals with will lead to more stages, new modes, and Mac/Linux versions (with the potential for console support as well). In any case, we probably won’t see this new, not-necessarily-Mega man until the Spring of 2015, according to the project page.

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  251. I’m about to run out of credit best persuasive essays Bagher Asadi, who has been a senior diplomat at Iran’s U.N. mission in New York and was recently a director at the secretariat of the so-called D8 group of developing nations in Istanbul, was arrested in mid-March in the Iranian capital, the sources told Reuters in April.

  252. I’m a housewife essays on online shopping For Quinlan the building will be a success only if it is seen as quiet and discreet. It forms the polar opposite to so much modern urban architecture, where drama and eye-catching, sculptural forms are so often seen as vital, within the aim of creating statement buildings. Purposefully the Stonehenge visitor centre makes no attempt to reference the stones themselves in its design language and never tries to compete with them in any way. The palette of materials – glass, limestone, chestnut, zinc for the roof – is also tempered and calm. ‘It is quite a big building, because of the job it has to do,’ Quinlan says. ‘But when you approach it, the building doesn’t seem that big at all, largely because there is a lot of landscape going on with the building placed within it. It almost disappears from some perspectives, which is fantastic. Although as an architect I probably shouldn’t be saying that.’

  253. I love this site writing an economics paper “Healthy foods can feed hair the same way they nourish your body,” Elizabeth Cunnane Phillips, a trichologist at Philip Kingsley Trichological Clinic in New York City, said. But there’s a but: Organs like your heart and lungs get first dibs on the good stuff, so hair is left limping by on scraps if your diet is deficient in key nutrients.

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  263. International directory enquiries mba essays writing service Of course, it wasn’t Leyland’s fault that Miguel Cabrera was essentially playing on one leg through most of the postseason, or that Prince Fielder was 4-for-22 with zero RBI in the ALCS, or that Max Scherzer said he was gassed after seven innings of Game 2 of the ALCS. In Leyland’s mind, the Tigers were still the better team, and he somehow should’ve gotten them to the World Series.

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  266. Whereabouts in are you from? quotations for essay college life Even a court ruling that someone is mentally unfit rarely prevents someone from passing a background check. States are notoriously lax in providing such information to the federal database. According to Mayor Bloomberg’s gun control group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, 19 states reported fewer than 100 mental-health adjudications to federal officials. Rhode Island — where Aaron Alexis called police in August — with reports that he was hallucinating and hearing voices — submitted none.

  267. What’s the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas? literary analysis essay for the fault in our stars The U.S. Public Interest Research Group thinks precluding JPMorgan Chase from claiming tax deductions should be explicit to safeguard taxpayers. The group claims that unless JPMorgan Chase is explicitly forbidden, it will write off the settlement. That would make taxpayers bear 35% of the cost of the settlement.

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  270. I work here five paragraph compare and contrast essay Django Unchained … not long ago blacks weren’t even considered human beings … racism is still a reality .. just like Mandela in Africa is just a cover up .. apartheid is still a reality .. just look at the numbers .. majority of poor america is black .. majority of incarceration is black .. sad to see so much hatred, racism, unequal rights and treatment (all wall st criminals got off the hook .. ) , injustice, social exclusion … blacks have to fight for their human rights since the establishment won’t .. by natural God’s law blacks have the right to life, to dignity … all the trillions wasted in fabricated “wars” to fund the mass murder and weapons industry should be invested in welfare generating jobs, better education and healthcare … it is time to stop pretending … to stop lying ..

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  272. What’s the current interest rate for personal loans? help me type my essay This essay is available to McClatchy-Tribune News Service subscribers. McClatchy-Tribune did not subsidize the writing of this column; the opinions are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of McClatchy-Tribune or its editors.

  273. When can you start? essay about dictionary Actually, what will happen is that, with the employer mandate delayed, and the individual mandate firmly in place, 100′s of 1000′s of people who have been dumped from their employer-based plans and into the individual market will start to panic when they find out that working exchanges have not been set up for them by Republican governors trying to score points with the base, and that they cannot purchase affordable insurance. The national media will fill with stories of how smoothly the exchanges are working in blue states. Much of the gains from 2010 will be lost as Republican governorships switch to Democrat, and the Republicans lose the House.

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  276. How many would you like? essay writing flowchart I hadn’t meant to attack her. In fact, it’s quite important to see – especially in the context of British journalism, where brief, agenda-led knifings are a speciality – that what makes Malcolm formidable is not unkindness but perspicacity. But in this autobiographical fragment she had raised such an enormous question about herself. ‘I see that my journalist’s habits have inhibited my self-love,’ she writes. Is it that you’re harsh on yourself? ‘Oh no, I’m very easy on myself,’ Malcolm says lightly, and laughs. She meant it purely, she says, in the context of attempting to write a memoir.

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    “His philosophy was to volunteer to try anything,” saidChertoff, who later served as secretary for the U.S. Departmentof Homeland Security and now heads the Chertoff Group consultingfirm. “He wanted to really get that experience.”

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  320. What sort of work do you do? essay on female genital mutilation In the case of Cati Holland, MyHeritage initially contacted her son-in-law Eran Karoly. He had posted a family tree which included Recha Cohn, Holland’s grandmother and the owner of the Berlin store, which was located on the fashionable Kurfuerstendamm boulevard in the western part of the city. Holland’s grandparents escaped to South America shortly after the Nazis took over in the early 1930s and ended up in Israel many years later.

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  489. Could you tell me my balance, please? social psychology research papers Then there is Aiden, who you can switch to by pressing triangle. You can then float around the environment before locking onto objects to influence or people to possess, inhabiting your target by yanking back or pushing on the sticks. The idea is excellent, and there are occasions when you are let loose with the two characters that an interesting control dynamic emerges. A stealthy action scene allows Jodie to sneak around choking out guards, while Aiden can nip off to cause distractions and inhabit enemies, using them to blow their comrades heads off before turning the gun on themselves. It shows that when Quantic Dream lets go of its control over the player, they can produce an interesting video game. It’s a shame, then, that so much of Beyond is set to a script. Only certain enemies can be possessed or choked by Aiden for instance, indicated by an orange or red ‘aura’. The explanation is that people’s souls are different and can be influenced in different ways, but it’s a fairly weak sop to another form of Quantic’s authorial control.

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